
Waistline Trimming Hacks That Don’t Involve Sit Ups

Waistline Trimming Hacks That Don’t Involve Sit Ups

The belly area is often a target when you are looking to reshape your body. It is important to remember one key point though, there is no spot reduction. (No need for hundreds of reps of an exercise that will exhaust your body, good news!) Taking the approach of total...

Exercising Right For Optimal Burnout Recovery

Exercising Right For Optimal Burnout Recovery

Burnout is the unfortunate buzzword that so many are going through or may be lucky to have emerged fairly unscathed at the other end. In overcoming burnout as a whole, you must consider your overall lifestyle and how you can reduce energy output to reboot your...

A Personal Trainer’s 4 Non-Negotiable Self-Care Fitness Practices

A Personal Trainer’s 4 Non-Negotiable Self-Care Fitness Practices

Self care is a common phrase these days and it applies to many areas of life. Taking time to care for yourself can get tricky when you are juggling it all like most people are, but in doing so, you achieve more on the back end. We often think of self care to include...

Is Boredom The Reason You Are Burned Out & Fatigued?

Is Boredom The Reason You Are Burned Out & Fatigued?

Often we associate boredom with not having an interest in something, or not being challenged in life.  Remember being ‘bored’ in school holidays? Luckily we had the good old 1990’s computer with Ski or Die and Duke Nukem (tell me you remember these games!) and of...

My Personal Truth About Motherhood

My Personal Truth About Motherhood

It’s 3am. The baby has started making noise again. It’s not too bad yet, maybe, hopefully he will go back to sleep! Ahhh...sleep. Remember the days where you got like 8 hours straight sleep (and still sometimes woke up tired !?) That was some time ago. Darn it. Bub...

Eat Your Stress Away: Stress Reducing Foods

Eat Your Stress Away: Stress Reducing Foods

When you’re stressed out, the foods that you’re turning to are most likely going to be traditional ‘comfort’ foods like big meals, take-out, fatty foods, sweet foods, and alcohol. Let’s face it – we’ve all found some comfort in a tasty meal and a  glass of wine when...

What’s the G-O with the G-I? Glycemic Index and Carbs Explained

What’s the G-O with the G-I? Glycemic Index and Carbs Explained

You may have heard about the glycemic index and wondered what it is all about. The glycemic index is a ranking of carbohydrates based on their immediate effect on blood glucose (blood sugar) levels. It compares foods gram for gram of carbohydrate. Carbohydrates that...

4 hacks to better self confidence

4 hacks to better self confidence

Ever been completely nervous where it overtakes your entire body and mind? Or just feeling a bit low in yourself? Or lacking confidence in that moment where you really need it? I have. I’m sure we all have at one point or another. Self confidence is something that we...

Why Core Strength Really Matters

Why Core Strength Really Matters

You have heard about core, abs, back muscles, six packs and pelvic floor. But what does it all mean? And how important is it, really? What is your ‘Core?’ Your core muscles comprise those in your trunk forming the basis of movement for your arms and legs and are...