14 Day Healthy Eating Protein Kick Start
(includes meat)
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Enjoy 55 tasty, healthy, nutritious recipes to kickstart your balanced eating
Have you:
- Just started exercise or returning after a break?
- Ever felt like you need a better balance of food groups with carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats?
- Struggled with not feeling ‘full’ for long enough, crashing in your energy, then needing sugary pick-me-ups?
- Ever felt like you have worked hard at exercise, but perhaps your eating was not matching your workout?
- Heard that you need to ‘eat more protein’…well WHY does that matter?
Food, lifestyle choices and exercise go hand in hand. Doing one well, BUT missing out on another part will hinder your health and physical results, no matter how hard you try.
What happens if you lack protein in your diet?
➔ Your blood sugar will spike more frequently, leaving you feeling like always need sugar and a pick-me-up
➔ Fluid retention
➔ It’s harder to tone your body, no matter how much exercise you do
➔ Mood swings from inadequate neurotransmitters
➔ Hair, nail and skin problems
➔ Weakness and fatigue
➔ Hunger and irritability
➔ A weakened immune system
➔ Your skin is slow to repair
…….plus many more issues may arise over time!
Getting the right nutrition to help fuel your body during busy daily life and exercise is VITAL to helping your body repair.
Protein is an important part of this!
Boost your protein to feel fuller, build lean muscle, sustain your energy and help balance your sugars
The ‘eating healthy’ bandwagon can be limiting, boring and unsustainable…(meat eaters read on!)
A common problem with many food plans is that they eliminate meat. This does not always work for everyone depending on personal preference, lifestyle choices and health requirements.
If you are tired of needing to go to extremes to get healthier, then you will LOVE the recipes in this book!
The 14 Day Healthy Eating Protein Kick Start is an easy to follow guide with yummy recipes that will not only benefit your taste buds, but your:
muscle recovery
leave you feeling satisfied after eating, rather than craving more sugar and starch.
$14.00 (normally $29.95)
The recipes are :
High in protein – To help you feel full and assist in balancing out your blood sugars throughout busy days. A healthy amount of protein also aids in toning your muscles for that lean look.
Inclusive of meat – For anyone who has ever followed restrictive diets and NOT enjoyed it, many encourage not to eat meat. This works for some people, but not for all. You will love the balance of meat and vegetables in these recipes
Full of flavour – Each yummy recipe has a nicely balanced combination of ingredients to add flavour and sustenance, all while giving you nutrition. You will not be left hungry!
If you really want to enjoy more sustained energy and recover more effectively post-exercise ( and if you have a lot going on in your life), then this 14 Day Healthy Eating Kickstart is for you!
Start your 14 Day Healthy Eating Protein Kickstart and feel more sustained energy throughout your day, curb your cravings and give your body real, tasty food for life.
Here’s What’s Included in your
14 Day Healthy Eating Protein Kickstart:
Over 55 Recipes to enjoy for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks
14 Day Sample Meal Plan to combine the recipes for a healthy and balanced weekly food intake
Shopping Lists for each week to easily package together correct quantities for what you need in your fridge and pantry
Recipe Key easily showing you if a recipe is freezer friendly, gluten free, high protein or low carb (some are gluten and dairy free but not all recipes)
Get your healthy eating balanced, enjoyable and fitting into your lifestyle without sacrificing taste and goodness!
Join the 14 Day Healthy Eating Protein Kickstart TODAY and start to feel the difference!
$14.00 (normally $29.95)