WELCOME Take the 30 second 'smart exercise' quiz to find out if you are doing the right type of exercise for your current health: What is your age? 20-30 30-40 40-50 50+ Do you currently exercise? Yes No Sometimes How is your current overall energy? Excellent Ok I’m tired alot Have you ever experienced burnout, adrenal fatigue or extreme exhaustion? Yes No I’m currently going through it What exercise do you do regularly? Mostly Pilates / Yoga Mostly Cardio & HIIT Mostly Strength (Weights, Bands) None How do you feel after exercise generally? Energised & strong Tired & drained Sore & achy alot Flu symptoms What is your current sleep ? Great - I sleep 7-9 hours a night Ok - I get a decent amount but it’s interrupted Poor - I am regularly sleep deprived Name Email Time is Up! Time's up