This short series of quick videos is to help you kickstart your wellness for 2020, bringing it back to basics. The series will consist of 2 minute info videos to help you approach your wellbeing in all areas of your lifestyle, cutting away the hype and overload of information out there. You will then be given an action item for the day to help you implement the information and make positive changes.
I’m working on simplifying and cleaning my lifestyle right now, especially before our baby arrives early April, and know that I too fall into the trap of getting caught up in over-complicating things which affects my mental and physical wellbeing!
It’s time to stop over-thinking things, get rid of excess clutter in your mind and physical environment, and put yourself first.
The way I approach ‘wellness’ is in connecting the body, mind and spirit. It’s not just about getting fit or losing weight, wellness is about encompassing all areas of your lifestyle for better health, strength, fitness and happiness all round. That’s what I’ll be covering in this series, laying the foundations for true health, true wellness before you get into any sort of action plan.
If you can approach it from this underlying level that often gets missed, you will more likely set yourself up for success over the long term.
I hope you enjoy these tips and feel free to share the posts and comment any questions and progress you make! I’m here to help xo
Vanessa Bartlett
The wellness industry today is a $500 billion dollar industry, but how much does it really help us? There is no doubt a plethora of information accessible at our fingertips, but there is also alot of swayed marketing, hyped up results and people over complicating things to make you that health and wellbeing achievement is harder than it really is.
Since January is the month for ‘starting fresh’ people have been asking me about doing particular detoxes and if they should do them.
It takes due diligence and an understanding of what our personal health needs are to ensure we do not fall into the trap of buying things we do not need, or buying into philosophies and remedies that promote quick-fix solutions rather than, long-term lifestyle benefits.
Remember that by doing ‘quick-fixes’ you will starve yourself of nutrition and upset the healthy balance in your brain, which in turn messes up your mindset.And boom! You are back to square one in this vicious cycle once again.
I would not do a ‘detox’ UNLESS it’s been created by a qualified health expert and you have assessed whether or not it is right for you at this moment in time.
In short – my answer is yes and no. Let me explain why.
After going back and forth chatting with a particular client of mine she realised that this was not the key to her weight loss success long term. She realised that if she did partake in this particular detox, she would probably be mentally low from cutting out food groups (she was already low on energy and deficient in certain vitamins), not know what to do afterwards, affect her digestion and was also recovering from a knee injury that was limiting her movement ability anyway.
I honestly wish there was a pill that could solve every weight loss problem that my clients could all use, which certain companies will try and make you believe, but in reality there is no such thing.
*The next ad you see for wellness, a diet or detox, ask yourself – is this really going to help long term? How will I feel if I do this? What are the negative impacts it could have if I take out certain food groups? Is it created by a qualified health expert or not?
Tomorrow you will learn how to cleanse your physical space for more energy and mental clarity. See you then!
*To get access to my 9 week mind and body RESET program, join Higher Living Here!
Power To Your Core,
Vanessa Bartlett xx
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