Sometimes our breakthroughs are so close, it’s just one more hurdle. The issue of remaining where you are at is when you play the victim, do not take ownership and refuse to change deeply engrained habits.
So the question is: if you are not where to want to be, then why? If you were to rate your health (both mind and body) right now out of 10 -what would it be? Are you happy with your score?
Claiming responsibility is vital if you want progress on any goal. There is no more room for blame on others, your lifestyle or external factors. Facing our truth is what sets us free, and taking responsibility is the way to do it. By owning up to yourself you have started to pave the way for permanent change within your mindset that will positively help you move forward.
Success is about recognising where you are at and being open to changing habits that are no longer serving you. Many people talk and talk about being ‘stuck’ and having this same recurring problem within their health and wellbeing, yet never actually take a step to take ownership, make a change, ask for help or really want to break free.
There is no vicious cycle, only the barriers you set within your own mind.
There is always a different way to do something, a more efficient way to do something, and a way to ask for help or delegate a task to make your life easier.
The question is whether you choose to take that step without feeling guilty, and if you really want the change.
Taking ownership is key to moving forward within your wellness. It’s time to stop and check in with your own reality.
Tomorrow we discuss ‘getting motivated from within.’
Here’s your ACTION ITEM FOR DAY 3 – POST BELOW WHEN YOU HAVE DONE THIS: Write down an overall score of your health right now out of 10. 10 being the best. Answer WHY you wrote this down. What 3 roadblocks will you work to change as of today to keep moving forward? For example, ask your partner for 20 minutes every day or two to go for a walk and have some you time around busy kids. Or, get to planning your meals and getting all groceries on a Sunday so you are not left stressed every week night about what to eat after a long day. Simple things work best!
Tomorrow you will learn how to get motivated from within instead of relying on external influence ever again, which will help you build on from today’s session.
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Power To Your Core,
Vanessa Bartlett xx
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