Jan 20, 2020 | Blog | 0 comments


Before you can reach a higher level of mental and physical wellbeing, you must first create space for that to happen.

Creating space will free up your brain power to be able to achieve more, feel lighter, remove stagnant energy and allow new and positive things to come your way.

I’ll admit I have been really bad at procrastinating and making excuses for not decluttering my own home. But last week I finally did what I had to with the long-awaited paperwork pile and years of paperwork finally got to be in order!

What a relief. 

Check out the Netflix series ‘ Tidying up ‘ with Marie Kondo (if you have not already) to do a deep dive into decluttering and re-ordering your home for a neater physical environment. 

You know that when you have a neater physical environment you will ultimately feel clearer mentally.

It’s time to stop procrastinating about this!

Another important step here in decluttering is to limit your social media. Only follow pages, channels and people who have a POSITIVE effect on your mindset.I went through a huge cull last year and I intend to do it again in January. Even as a trainer I too get triggered with different issues. I simply do not pay attention to anyone even with millions of followers if I can see their values do not match mine in terms of wellbeing, exercise or life in general.

If what you are following triggers anxiety, body confidence issues, low self worth,unrealistic expectations, then simply UNFOLLOW or UNFRIEND. It’s that simple.

Social media has added a whole new layer to our life and can suck the life out of you if you are not careful.

Unfriend or unfollow now…. go!

Here’s your ACTION ITEM FOR DAY 2 – POST BELOW WHEN YOU HAVE DONE THIS: Start with decluttering one space in your home that needs urgent attention. Do not worry about everything yet, just one thing. You can do one space per week if that’s all the time you have, as long as you keep progressing with this.

Tomorrow you will learn how to take ownership and create a positive mindset about where you are at. See you then!

*To get access to my 9 week mind and body RESET program, join Higher Living Here!

Power To Your Core,

Vanessa Bartlett  xx
Visit : vanessabhealth.com

  • Holistic Online Personal Trainer, Specialist Exercise Trainer for Burnout & Fatigue Recovery, Pilates Instructor & Lifestyle Coach
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