7 DAY WELLNESS SERIES: DAY 4 – How To Get Motivated From Within

Jan 20, 2020 | Blog | 2 comments


Have you ever done something just to please someone else? Why do you want change in your body? So often I see people saying they want change but not really wanting it. 

Your reasons have to be personal and mean something important to you only. It often takes a real tipping point to get your butt into gear and truly connect with why you do what you do. This goes for any area in life! 

External motivation will only get you so far. With so much stimulation and influence around us it’s no wonder we get caught up in different false pretenses of what we ‘think’ motivation is. You know you are on the path to positive change when your motivation is driven purely by something you connect with. 

Now, to be clear here, we all need help and support and guidance to stay on track, so this is a positive and I certainly encourage it. But relying on that group for your actual motivation is where it will fail.

Dr Demartini – world renowned behavioral expert explains it when he says we all have a set of values that we work towards with everything in life. If you do not value something on a personal level, you will not be able to achieve that goal as it doesn’t truly connect with you.

To briefly explain – you know what your top values are in life when you look at your habits and what you involve yourself in. For example, I tune out of conversations about politics as it does not really interest me. But you can bet that no matter how I am feeling, if I am tired, if I am in any situation, if the topic becomes about wellness, exercise or health my ears prick up and I’m instantly engaged wanting to participate. Same with my toddler Lincoln.If a conversation pops up about young children I am instantly interested, whereas before having kids I was not really that interested.

Another example could be you always buy magazines for fashion ideas and love styling,so doing things around this will genuinely please you.

In a nutshell, whatever you are drawn to in life is what you value. So once you determine this you can actually create goals and rewards based on things that mean something to you. It could be committing to do exercise and rewarding yourself with going to your favourite restaurant, buying particular clothes or simply getting a massage.

Whatever the case may be, learning to connect and get motivated from within will really help you, rather than just saying I want to lose 5 kilos. What for? What will this help you with in life?

Dip a little deeper for the answers and they will come.

Here’s your ACTION ITEM FOR DAY 4 – POST BELOW WHEN YOU HAVE DONE THIS: Write down the top 3 things in life that you value. It could be your kids, family, health, being fashionable, helping people. There is no judgement, it’s simply to determine what means something to you. Then use that to create your top 3 wellness goals for 2020.

For example: For me it would be recover and build up slowly after having my 2nd baby. The journey will be challenging I know, but I know that I value my family and health, so remembering this when I have down days or know I’ve gone way back physically, I know being at my best for my family is so important so that will keep me motivated to keep going.

What’s it going to be for you?

Tune in tomorrow for learning how to ‘supercharge your thoughts’.

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Power To Your Core,

Vanessa Bartlett  xx
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  1. SEO Company

    Awesome post! Keep up the great work! :)


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